Other Therapy Spaces

Other Therapy Spaces

We use all areas of the building when trying to achieve a therapeutic goal, from the hallways to the outdoors.

Speech-Language Therapy Space

Our speech-language therapists regularly utilize all of the clinic spaces, using different rooms for sensory motor, sensory “diet”, mealtime and social activities. This helps the therapist engage the child on multiple levels. Speech-language therapists also use individual clinic spaces, for quiet, one-on-one, or paired activities.

Fine Motor Stations & Computer Rooms

Other smaller areas are available for discussions, one-on-one therapy and quiet activities, such as:

Also, software programs are used in these rooms, all chosen to enhance:

  • Fine motor play
  • Handwriting
  • Keyboarding
  • Speech therapy
  • Behavior management
  • Home program demonstrations
  • Parent coaching
  • Pretend play
  • Attention
  • Problem solving
  • Visual perceptual skills
  • Auditory processing
  • Memory skills
  • Self-regulation
  • Pre-reading

Interactive Metronome activities often require a quieter, less distracting setting and are available in three of our clinic spaces.


The kitchen provides a comfortable place for children to learn all about food, from cooking to eating. Parents can engage with their child in a food-filled environment, using food and food preparation themes. This helps families deal with picky eaters and problem feeders.

Mealtime management allows children to play with food in many ways to increase tolerance and engagement with various foods. This leads to better eating habits.

Children can also engage in messy play with a variety of art materials, including paint, glue and gluten-free play-dough. Water, shaving foam and bubble play are frequent favorites.


Even our hallways are used to enhance children’s skills. Our therapists supervise fun activities that go all the way up and down the long hallway.

Our long hallways are ideal for mastering the balance needed for riding scooters and one foot skating practice. Children even master balance and coasting skills on our pedal-less bikes.

Outdoor Space

We have designated areas for use in our outdoor space, all weather-permitting. Our children engage in horticulture and sensory activities such as digging, planting and watering. Our special sensory garden allows children to try new smells and touch and taste experiences.

Therapists use the outdoor space to help children practice and master their balancing skills. Caregivers often take pictures of their children accomplishing skills that they previously doubted could be mastered. Skills children usually practice and show off outside include:

  • Scooters
  • Bike riding
  • Roller skating and blading

Call for a free tour of our facilities: (216) 514-1600.

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