Getting Past a Regulatory Disorder

Sensory Processing Disorder Success Story

The following is a true story and testimonial, written to Galvin Therapy Center by one of our happy parents.[Galvin Therapy Center] and therapist Karen Porter, through their family-based sensory integration program saved our daughter and our sanity. Their effective treatment program allowed our daughter to develop into a delightful, happy and outgoing young girl.

Through this special therapy treatment program that integrated a home sensory program, picture program and play program, our daughter put her regulatory disorder (hypersensitivity to sound, touch, texture and new routines) behind her and has advanced beyond her years. Her transition from severe dysfunctional behaviors, to incredibly surpassing her peers in her emotional, cognitive and social skills, is absolute proof that occupational therapy can work miracles!!

Successful Treatment Times Two

When we noticed similar traits in one of our twin sons, we marched him right into [Galvin Therapy Center] and said, “Let’s go!” Now, three months later, we have already noticed measurable progress and are confident of his success.

If a parent has any question regarding a child’s development or his/her interaction with the world, please avoid letting the magazines or society misdiagnose your child by branding them with old fashion labels like “colic,” “laziness,” “temperamental,” “shy,” or “difficult.” Please do not waste another moment of your child’s precious life, let the therapists at Barrie [Galvin]‘s office help you. They are on the cutting edge of effective new treatments and will help you achieve peace of mind and your child reach his/her full potential.
-Lori R.

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