Getting Ready to Write!

Ever wonder why occupational therapists spend so much time working with a child WITHOUT a pencil in their hand?

OTs know handwriting takes so much more. Building those hand arches and upper body strength, developing vision skills, and being able to sit at
a table are just some of the developmental components children need to have a solid foundation for the skill of handwriting.

When a child has difficulty with handwriting, an OT is skilled with breaking the task into smaller pieces to figure out what to do to make the task easier. Building these component skills and learning specific strategies for letter formation are the secret to handwriting success.

As always, the occupational therapists at Galvin Therapy Center are here to help if your child is a struggling writer. Here are a few resources that our OTs at Galvin Therapy Center love:

Letter School App– this app is fun and engaging, allowing for repetitious practice with letter
OT Mom Learning Activities – the website is chock-full of activities and ideas to support handwriting, fine motor skills, and other developmental skills
-Try finger writing and drawing in shaving cream/pudding/finger paint
-Tape some paper to a wall and have your child color/draw/write on a vertical surface

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