Early Intervention

Our Early Intervention

Decades of research show that a child’s first experiences play a critical role in later success in school and at work.

For children who have been diagnosed at a young age with a developmental disorder, we can provide all of the services needed to promote development in all areas of function.

When a child is experiencing a disruption in typical development, we can help by screening the developmental areas and providing support as needed, such as direct therapy and parent coaching.

We Can Help With

  • Screening for infants and toddlers up to and including 3 years old
  • Motor, language, emotional, social, feeding and cognitive delays
  • Provide referrals to other clinicians within our professional network
  • Provide 1:1 therapy in collaboration with caregivers
  • Create a structure of support and learning for families

How We Help

  • Structured programming for child and family through our therapies
  • Monitor progress regularly
  • Provide a team approach with multiple disciplines including:
  • Occupational Therapists (OT)
  • Speech Language Pathologists (SLP)
  • Physical Therapists (PT)
  • Social Worker
  • Behavior Consultants
  • Behavior Assistants
  • Psychologist
  • DIRFloortime® and Early Start Denver Model® for caregiver(s) and child
  • Language promotion training for caregivers
  • Ongoing caregiver training and coaching
  • Language enriched sessions with Speech Language Pathologist
  • Sensory-motor developmental experiences with PT and OT
  • Guidance with positioning for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers
  • Solutions for problem feeders using a supportive method
  • Sleep solutions
  • Toilet training guidance
  • Instruction on how to set up the best play space in your home

Early intervention is easily integrated with our regular therapy programs. Learn more!

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