Mealtime Management
Our Mealtime Management
What is Pediatric Feeding Therapy?
Feeding therapy for children is provided during an occupational or speech-language therapy session.
It is appropriate for children who are struggling with the process of eating- from exposure to a variety of foods to chewing and swallowing to consuming a balanced diet. Our OTs and SLPs have expertise in feeding development, oral motor skills building, sensory motor needs, and psycho-social components. Based on a thorough evaluation and in collaboration with the child and family, a therapist at Galvin Therapy Center will develop a personalized plan to treat underlying and functional deficits.
We Can Help With:
- Biting and chewing ·Swallowing
- Postural and positional techniques
- Bottle, cup, and utensil use
- Eating a varied diet
- Sensory aversions
- Anxiety related to mealtime
- Challenging behaviors at the table
- Family dynamics during meals
How We Help:
- Beckman oral motor protocol
- Talk Tools
- Use of oral motor tools
- SOS approach to feeding
- Food Chaining
- Can-Eat approach
- Behavior based strategies/Applied Behavior Analysis
- Selecting of feeding tableware
- Parent coaching and Home programs
- Sensory processing and desensitization
- Emotional regulation strategies
- positioning and seating