Let’s Work on Potty Training!

How to Help your Child Succeed when Introducing the Concept of Potty Training

When it comes to potty training, it can be a hard adjustment on any child. Each child takes change differently. In this blog we will be taking a look into helping your child adapt to these big changes.

How to Introduce Potty Training

When it comes to introducing your child to potty training there are many steps you can take to get your child excited for this big new step in their lives! A good way to start introducing this concept is investing in potty training books! 

  • A Potty for Me! by Karen Katz.
  • Potty Superhero, by Mabel Forsyth
  • Daniel Goes to the Potty, by Maggie Testa
  • Diapers Are Not Forever by Elizabeth Verdick
  • Princess Potty, by Samantha Berger

Another way to get your child excited for potty training is getting your child potty training underwear! Take your child to the store and let them pick out their very own underwear, this way they feel like they have more control and their taking initiative. It gets them excited for potty training!

Finally, find a practice potty! Some children can find the potty intimidating. Some common fears of using the potty include flushing the potty, the size of the potty, and fear of being alone. Getting a small practice potty can help children get over their fear of using the potty! Since its child size, the flush is quiet, and its portable it can definitely be a great alternative for when first starting the process!

The Most Important Thing to Remember is to Not Give Up and Stay Consistent

There is no doubt that potty training your child can be frustrating. It’s important to remember to not give up and to stay consistent with your child’s potty-training schedule and action plan. Every child is different when it comes to potty training, some take longer to grasp the concept then others, but with constant support and reinforcement from parents you’ll be surprised with what your child can accomplish!

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