Sensory Processing Solutions

Our Sensory Processing Solutions

Sensory processing disorders may prevent enjoyment of common childhood experiences.

Children and adults with a sensory processing disorder (SPD) may struggle with mastering attention, behavior, learning, social and motor skills. As many as 15% of children entering school may have untreated symptoms of SPD.

Adults may have challenges performing activities and routines involved in close relationships, work and recreation and may also experience depression, underachievement or other secondary effects.

Therapy for sensory processing disorders is designed to improve how an individual processes and uses sensory information. Misdiagnosis, sadly, is common among many health care professionals who are not properly trained in recognizing underlying sensory symptoms.

Sensory Processing Disorders

Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) are conditions where sensory signals don’t get organized into appropriate responses by the nervous system.

A. Jean Ayres, PhD, OTR, compared sensory processing dysfunction to a neurological “traffic jam” where certain parts of the brain don’t get the information needed to correctly interpret sensory information. This creates an overreaction or under-reaction to external sensory stimuli.

A specific treatment method developed as a result of A. Jean Ayres’ work is called ASI (Ayres Sensory Integration). Additionally, there are other clinical tools and methods for addressing aspects of sensory processing disorders.

Therapists at Galvin Therapy Center are specifically trained in both evaluation and treatment methods. 


 Learn more about Ayres Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration Therapy Can Help With:

  • Over responsiveness to sensory input
  • Under responsiveness to sensory input
  • Movement
  • Body position
  • Muscle control
  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Self-regulation
  • Self-esteem
  • Play
  • Emotion
  • Learning

How We Help:

  • Therapists work with a child’s family to identify areas of concern
  • We employ strategic therapeutic techniques to attain individualized goals set for each child
  • Our therapists use structured techniques to re-create external sensory stimuli and foster an appropriate response

Give us a call to set up an evaluation
at (216) 514-1600 option 1

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