What to Do When Your Child Doesn’t Qualify for an IEP

At the request of parents and teachers, students in schools will be evaluated by the school psychologist, occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist, and/or physical therapist to determine if therapy services are warranted.  The student will be tested in various ways, and a team meeting with parents will occur to discuss the recommendations, generally based off of standardized scores.  However, many students slip through the cracks when their scores are borderline (between average and below average).  The reason for this is that in a school model, the student’s challenges must be impacting his or her ability to participate in educational activities.  Over time, students may learn ways to compensate for their challenges and still complete tasks.  This may be sufficient for some classes, but as they get older and the workload increases, these students often struggle.

This is where outpatient therapy can help fill the gap.  The medical model addresses the whole child and works on improving the underlying skills needed to be successful in functional tasks.  It is like building a house on a foundation versus right onto the grass.  When the foundation is solid, the house stands strong. When we teach students foundational skills, they can complete a wide variety of tasks and be successful in all aspects of their lives.

If you notice your child struggling in daily, functional activities, but nothing is reported at school, visit us for an evaluation. We can help your child succeed!

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