The Galvin Therapy Blog

Therapist Thoughts

Making a Difference

I’m pretty sure I have the best job in the world. (According to, it’s #10, but what do they know?) Every day, without fail, I can say that I have done something that has made a positive impact on a child’s life.

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Therapist Thoughts

Daring to Be Different

It is safe to say that our speech-language pathologists (SLP) here at the Galvin Therapy Center are very different from your average SLPs in the therapy world. We tend to break the mold of what someone may think a typical speech-language pathologist does on a daily basis. Why do we break the mold, you ask? Simple.

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Occupational Therapy

The Scenic Route to Becoming an Occupational Therapist

What I love so much about working with kids is seeing the joy on the faces of the children and their families with big and small accomplishments. I have the opportunity to be able to work with amazing families to help them develop lifelong skills. As all of our families know, it’s not just about the kids; it’s a family thing. I sometimes “therapize” family members as well – helping mommy become comfortable playing in shaving cream for example.

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Therapist Thoughts

Working with Children

What inspires me? The parents who bring their adorable children to work with me week after week. The smiles on their faces when something new is learned. The sighs of relief from a mother who knows she has found the right place for her child.

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