The Galvin Therapy Blog


Just Pay Attention…

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a diagnosis that most people have heard of and are a bit familiar with. It is broken

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Emergency Sensory Kits

Emergency sensory kits are bags that have tools that help ease anxiety and increase communication for individuals experiencing a sensory meltdown caused by overstimulation due

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Parent Resources

Self Care 😇 – Because Parents Deserve Some Too ★Reminder #1 – being a parent can be exhausting…Remember to show yourself some love by also

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What is ARFID?

Children are often described as “picky or selective eaters” if they only like a few foods, have limited intake, or avoid new foods and foods

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Surviving Holiday Travel

Holidays bring about fun new activities, visiting with family, and lots of fun memories. With the holidays also come change in schedules and new situations

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Parent Resources

Holiday Gift Guide

The winter holidays are quickly approaching, which means it is time to start thinking about gift ideas for all the lovely kiddos in your life!

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Holiday Toy Guide!

The holidays are in full swing which means every day my inbox is flooded with emails from companies looking to sell their wares– not to

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Parent Resources

Every Day Heroes

It can feel like every where you turn these days, there are negative and disturbing stories about how people treat each other – which is

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Parent Resources

Why Summer Shouldn’t Just Be Vacation Time

While summer vacation is always looked forward to by students, parents, and teachers, a growing body of research indicates that students lose some of the skills they learned over the previous school year.

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